vacuum emulsifier

The medical conductive paste-making machine, vacuum emulsifier purchased by YeKeey ‘s old customer has been successfully installed and debugged!

A customer engaged in the production of medical conductive paste, years ago purchased a set of medical conductive paste making machine——ZJR-50 vacuum emulsifier from YeKeey. After several years of user experience, the emulsifying machine runs smoothly and the quality of the conductive paste produced is stable. The customer is focused on the field of bioelectric sensing, dedicated to accurate…

laboratory emulsifierl

The customer has invested heavily to build a laboratory and introduces the fifth generation laboratory emulsifier of YeKeey

Recently, a well-known food group company consulted us about the fifth-generation laboratory emulsifier equipment. It is understood that the client company will plan to build a food factory covering an area of 12,000 square meters for the production of dumplings, wontons, noodles, buns, pies, glutinous rice balls, balls, and other products. In the plan to build the…

LR-50 Homogenizer

Homogenizer is created for you of high-quality milk!

With the development of food processing technology, especially the application of some high-tech in food machinery, such as high-shear homogenizers and other high-precision food machinery, modern food production is becoming more and more refined, especially in the dairy industry. Looking at China’s dairy industry, it has the characteristics of a solid foundation and huge potential. Professionals…

happy new year of Ox

Wuxi YeKeey Wish You A Happy New Year of the Ox!

Time has flown, and 2020 has passed very quickly. 2020 is an extraordinary year. Facing the global epidemic, the economic situation at home and abroad has been severely tested. Under the leadership of Chairman Ms. Song Huajiang, our YeKeey people have developed Enactment, forge ahead, with diligent hands to create a different 2020. Waving goodbye to…

vac homogenizing emulsifier

What is the production equipment of liquid feed additives?

Recently, a customer consulted us about emulsification reactor equipment, so we made a pre-sale understanding with the customer. The customer wants to purchase the emulsifying reaction tank for the production of liquid feed additives. We are no stranger to this industry. YeKeey’s liquid feed additive production equipment has been successfully used in the production of many customer enterprises…

high shear homogenizer

An old customer of YeKeey ordered a high shear homogenizer

Wuxi YeKeey helps customers become bigger and stronger, and always uses strength and attitude to bring better benefits to customers. Recently, the high shear homogenizer ordered by a customer in the YeKeey workshop has been completed. The homogenizer equipment adopts YeKeey’s national patent product-LR high shear homogenizer. It is used for production without heating and vacuum, but mixing operations that products…